Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Little Leaguer

Speaking of baseball fever, the 5 year-old has caught it!  Since this guy was a couple weeks old in a carseat carrier, he has been going to his brothers' baseball games.  Well, this year it's his turn, and he is loving it.  He was especially excited that he got jersey #5 because he is 5 years old :)

Here is his very first time up to bat...

And he takes off to first base...

And a quick wave to Mom when he gets there!
Love it.

You can see his teammate hit a beauty that lets
him run home...

And there's a little celebration stomp on home plate...

And whose little league experience would be complete without a little dancing and butterfly swatting?

 And the game's over!  Give the other team a cheer!

Give the other team a "high 5"... 

Aaaand, here's why it's all worth it in the end.... the treat!


  1. Oh my gosh, he is the cutest thing! Impressive blog-keeping-up! I need to learn from you. I am now officially one year behind.

  2. Oh my gosh...that kid is a stud. How do you do it! Want to produce beautifully talented children for me too?
