Tuesday, April 3, 2012

An Easter Semi-Sort-of Tradition

Easter Bunny cakes. These are an Easter tradition, or at least they were when I was a kid. Cath (that's my mom, although I don't think I have called her "mom" since I was about 14...) used to make these every year around Easter when I was younger. I'm not sure if I have ever made these with my kids before, but surely I can repent and make these a tradition for my kids from here on out, right?

Here are the steps:
Make a white cake and bake in 8" round pans (you can see I went all out and used a box-mix).

Slice the cooled cakes in half, and stick the sides together with some buttercream frosting.

Now cover the cakes all over with buttercream.

Get your best helpers to wash their hands and put the coconut on (this is the bunny fur).

Give your little bunnies a Hostess Snow Ball tail.

Let your helpers decorate with a face and ears. Toothpicks work good for the whiskers.

Now get one of those cute helpers to pose with his finished product :)

HAPPY EASTER everybody!