Friday, June 1, 2012

A couple of my favorite Batmans...

Having recently seen "Avengers," (yes we took our 5 year old to see "Avengers"...  & hopefully that isn't a parenting decision we'll regret someday)... anyhoo, Eric has been on a superheroes kick lately.  He asked me to call his friend Blake over to play and said, "And mom... tell him to make sure he brings his Batman stuff."  Obedient little Blake did just as instructed.  Love it!

This cape is a cousin hand-me-down which has been well-loved by my boys.  When Eric wears it to play, I can't help but think back about when my older boys were into playing superheroes...

Here is a classic pic of Bubba (a.k.a. Porter) wearing his Spiderman finest.  If you click on the picture to make it big, you can see he was actually trying to spin a web on me as I took the picture.

Jan. 2008

Here are Taylor, and his buddies (Cache and Brennan) ready to save the world...
Feb. 2008

Or this day, when Taylor was 3, and he played Batman the Cowboy ...with socks for his gloves.
Jan. 13, 2006

So Classic!  It is probably one of the reasons I can sleep well at night, because we are so well protected at this house. 

Sure do love my boys!


  1. Oh my goodness! Look at how little! Crazy to think how grown up they are now in comparison. You make the best superhero's mom in the whole world. If Mark and I ever had a boy I am going to have to send him over to your house...

  2. Love it! I too currently have a Batman and a Spiderman living with me. They sure do make Halloweens easy... a little too easy!
