Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dal Gets His Mission Call!

I can't believe my oldest son has received his mission call.

So, ok. Dallin isn't "technically" my son, but don't tell my boys that, because he is the best older brother that they could ever ask for.

Dallin is my nephew, who used to live around the corner from us for 10 years or so. He is the kid who would play ball with my boys for hours on end. He is the kid who would babysit (along with Sam) for whatever, whenever. I don't think Porter and Taylor ever knew that they weren't the same age. They would call Dallin whenever they needed someone to pitch to them, or someone to be "all time quarter back" for their street football games. He is the kid who would let them play video games with him, even if their paddle wasn't "actually" connected. :) He is the kid who rides motorcycles with them, and they watch him in awe. What teenager do you know who just plays with their little cousins, and makes them feel so cool all the time?!

Dallin is the kid who has made Porter infatuated with the LA Dodgers. He is the kid who has made my kids love sports, and especially baseball. He is the kid who has made Porter & Taylor love flat brim hats. He is the kid who made Porter once love Adidas, but now Nikes. Definitely Nikes now, because that's what Dallin wears. Porter and Taylor learned to leave the metallic stickers on their flat brim hats because Dallin did, but as soon as Dallin wasn't leaving his stickers on anymore, well, the boys came home and immediately took those metallic stickers off their hats.

I have told Dallin his whole life that he better never start smoking, because my kids would be puffing Camels in no time.

Luckily for us, Dallin is the perfect example for my kids to look up to. They are so lucky to have such an amazing cousin, and we are all so lucky that he's in our family. And p.s. - I forgot to mention that he's an Aggie! That's just the icing on the cake!

Now, about that good example thing. This month Dallin received his mission call. He invited all the family to meet him at our very favorite Italian restaurant, La Ferrovia, to watch as he opened his mission call.

The sealed envelope!!!

some of Dallin's biggest fans...



It's Tonga!

So exciting!

This kid will be an amazing missionary!

Love these guys...
Scott, Kim, Dallin, Sam, & Elly

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