Friday, January 27, 2012


One of the reasons we decided to move to Mountain Green was to be closer to the ski resorts we love. Most people would choose to move closer to their places of work.... we, on the other hand, moved closer to ski resorts. We've always enjoyed skiing, it just hasn't been very convenient to go too often the last few years.



P & T

The Speedy Rico

Now with our favorite resort so close, we have been able to ski quite a bit this year. Even Eric is cruising now. He had a lesson at the beginning of the season, and he's loving it. Porter and Taylor are getting so good, they will pass up Steve & me soon.
"There is nothing more fun than doing something you love, with the ones you love. " That is a quote by Melanie Brenchley. You can use it sometime if you need. :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Porter's Arrow of Light

Porter received his Arrow of Light this month. He and two other boys were awarded the same night. I have to admit, it was down to the crunch. We were memorizing Articles of Faith in the last couple of weeks. Don't we all need deadlines sometimes?
We are proud of you Porter!
Porter, leading the flag ceremony to start the evening

Bryson, Ridge, & Porter with the Cub Master

Crossing the Arrow of Light bridge

Good job Buddy!

Thanks to Grandma & Grandpa B. for coming all the way from Ephraim!
I can't believe he is done with Cub Scouts! Where does the time go?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun With Cousins

Some of my siblings from Tooele came up over President's Day weekend for dinner, and kindly left their children overnight. My boys love to be with their cousins, there's probably nothing they'd rather do.

17 year-old Sam wasn't exactly planning on spending the night with the younger cousins, but let's just say that the desire was forced upon her by Eric. And she is too sweet to disappoint him. Love that girl.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year's Resolution

So.... I guess it's time. It's time to get a little more organized with journaling, and I figured blogging is a good way to do it. I know I'm a little late in the game, but better late than never, right? I LOVE stalking other people's blogs, so I am just jumping on the bandwagon. If nothing else, I think Robin, Beth, Michelle, and Kit will read along.